[реклама вместо картинки]

Другие названия:
In Your Absence (English title)
В твоё отсутствие (Russia)
Режиссер: Ivan Noel
Год: 2008
Страна: Канада
Время: 99 минут
Жанр: Drama

13-летний Пабло (Gonzalo Sanchez Salas) — тихий сирота с довольно тёмным прошлым.
Его единственная приятельница — Юлия, бесстыжая 15-летняя девушка,
желающая дать Пабло несколько жизненных уроков. На тихой дороге недалеко от
деревни Пабло встречает Пако - странного мужчину со сломанным автомобилем...
Спорные сцены

Pablo and Julia (Ana Tutor, 14) kiss each other and it's implied she does
something to his genitals which happens off-camera (we only see him pull
up his trunks right after). Next we have Gonzalo is in bed masturbatiing
under the sheets, with flashes of his experience with the girl in his mind,
mixed with visions of Paco (the 'stranger').
A man forces himself on top of Julia, it is implied he rapes her fully clothed,
but nothing explicit is shown (only heard).
Pablo goes to a lake with Paco and undresses to his underwear for a swim.
After he comes out from the water, he stands in front of the man,
removes down his boxers and wrings the water out from it to get his attention,
then lies down on his towel next to him and lies there naked for a while.
Brief rear and frontal view.

En tu ausencia
